Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 3, 2013

AC Servo Delta ASDA-A Series

AC Servo Delta ASDA-A, Servo giá rẻ

AC Servo Delta ASDA-A Series là dòng AC Servo Driver cao cấp của Delta với độ phân giải Encoder lên đến 20 bit cho độ chính xác tuyệt đối.

Thông số kỹ thuật: 
Nguồn áp: 110VAC / 220VAC / 460VAC, (1 pha / 3 pha);Độ phân giải Encoder: 2500ppr hoặc 20 bitĐộ phân giải có hồi tiếp: 10000pprTốc độ quay: 5000rpmGiao diện: RS232 – RS485 – RS422Kết nối trực tiếp với PLC, HMI của DELTA qua truyền thông RS485.Chức năng phân tích tần số tương tự như: Oscilloscope số; Giám sát và chẩn đoán trạng thái; Quản lý các thông số; Phân biệt motorMột số tính năng nổi bật của dòng Servo Delta ASDA-ATự động điều chỉnh:- Tự động điều chỉnh đặc tính & độ đặc lợi cho Servo dựa vào quán tính đo được; Điều chỉnh độ lợi tự động cho phù hợp với sự thay đổi quán tính quá tải lớn.Hiển thị cảnh báo:- Áp quá cao – thấp; Quá tốc, quá tải; Giới hạn thuận nghịch – ngừng tức thời; Bảo vệ quá dòng – nhiệt.Chức năng truyền thông:Giải pháp điều khiển tự động, các thông số đọc, ghi; Các giám sát giám sát & tín hiệu I/O; cho phép tối đa 254 kết nối đồng bộ trục.
Các mã hàng:
ASD-A0121LA 100W drive, low-inertia
ASD-A0221LA 200W drive, low-inertia
ASD-A0421LA 400W drive, low-inertia
ASD-A0721LA 700W drive, low-inertia
ASD-A1021LA 1kW drive, low-inertia
ASD-A1021MA 1kW drive, medium-inertia
ASD-A1521MA 1.5kW drive, medium-inertia
ASD-A2023LA 2kW drive, low-inertia
ASD-A2023MA 2kW drive, medium-inertia
ASD-A3023LA 3kW drive, low-inertia
ASD-A3023MA 3kW drive, medium-inertia, 220V 3-phase

ASMT01L250AK 100W motor, low-inertia, keyway
100W motor, 100W low-inertia, keyway/brake
ASMT02L250AK 200W motor, low-inertia, keyway
ASMT02L250BK 200W motor, low-inertia, keyway/brake
ASMT04L250AK 400W motor, low-inertia, keyway
ASMT04L250AM 400W motor, low-inertia, keyway/oil seal
ASMT04L250AO 400W motor, low-inertia, oil seal
ASMT04L250BK 400W motor, low-inertia, keyway/brake
ASMT07L250AK 700W motor, low-inertia, keyway
ASMT07L250AM 700W motor, low-inertia, keyway/oil seal
ASMT07L250AO 700W motor, low-inertia, oil seal
ASMT07L250BK 700W motor, low-inertia, keyway/brake
ASMT10L250AK 1kW motor, low-inertia, keyway
ASMT10L250BK 1kW motor, low-inertia, keyway/brake
ASMT10M250AK 1kW motor, medium-inertia, keyway
ASMT10M250BK 1kW motor, medium-inertia, keyway/brake
1.5kW motor, medium-inertia, keyway
ASMT15M250BK 1.5kW motor, medium-inertia, keyway/brake
2kW motor, low-inertia, keyway
ASMT20L250BK 2kW motor, low-inertia, keyway/brake
ASMT20M250AK 2kW motor, medium-inertia, keyway
ASMT20M250BK 2kW motor, medium-inertia, keyway/brake
ASMT30L250AK 3kW motor, low-inertia, keyway
3kW motor, low-inertia, keyway/brake
ASMT30M250AK 3kW motor, medium-inertia, keyway
ASMT30M250BK 3kW motor, medium-inertia, keyway/brake
ASMT30M250BO 3kW motor, medium-inertia, brake/oil seal
Phụ kiện cho các loại Servo:
ASD-A2PW1003 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 3M
ASD-A2PW1005 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 5M
Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 3M
ASD-A2PW1105 Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 5M
ASD-ABEN0000 Motor encoder connector
ASD-ABEN0003 Motor encoder cable (connector included), 3M
Motor encoder cable (connector included), 5M
ASD-ABPW0003 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 3M
Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 5M
ASD-ABPW0103 Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 3M
ASD-ABPW0105 Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 5M
ASDBCACK0001 Keypad<->PC (USB & RS-232) communication cable
Keypad<->ASDA-B drive communication cable
ASDBCAEN0000 Motor encoder connector
ASDBCAEN0003 Motor encoder cable (connector included), 3M
ASDBCAEN0005 Motor encoder cable (connector included), 5M
ASDBCAEN1000 Motor encoder connector
ASDBCAEN1003 Motor encoder cable (connector included), 3M
ASDBCAEN1005 Motor encoder cable (connector included), 5M
Motor power connector, without brake
ASDBCAPW0100 Motor power connector, with brake
Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 3M
Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 5M
Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 3M
ASDBCAPW0305 Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 5M
ASDBCNDS0025 ASDA-B CN1 connector (necessary)
Terminal block for manual wiring (including cable)
Motor encoder connector
ASD-CAEN0003 Motor encoder cable (connector included), 3M
ASD-CAEN0005 Motor encoder cable (connector included), 5M
ASD-CAEN1000 Motor encoder connector
Motor encoder cable (connector included), 3M
ASD-CAEN1005 Motor encoder cable (connector included), 5M
ASD-CAPW0000 Motor power connector, without brake
ASD-CAPW0003 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 3M
Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 5M
ASD-CAPW0100 Motor power connector, with brake
ASD-CAPW0103 Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 3M
ASD-CAPW0105 Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 5M
ASD-CAPW1000 Motor power connector, without brake
ASD-CAPW1003 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 3M
ASD-CAPW1005 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 5M
ASD-CAPW1103 Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 3M
Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 5M
ASD-CAPW1203 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 3M
ASD-CAPW1205 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 5M
ASD-CAPW1303 Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 3M
ASD-CAPW1305 Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 5M
ASD-CAPW2000 Motor power connector
Motor power cable, without brake, 3M, military connector
ASD-CAPW2005 Motor power cable, without brake, 5M, military connector
ASD-CAPW2103 Motor power cable, without brake, 3M, military connector
ASD-CAPW2105 Motor power cable, without brake, 5M, military connector
ASD-CAPW2203 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 3M
ASD-CAPW2205 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 5M
Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 3M
ASD-CAPW2305 Motor power cable (connector included), with brake, 5M
Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 3M
ASD-CAPW3205 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 5M
ASD-CAPW3303 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 3M
ASD-CAPW3305 Motor power cable (connector included), without brake, 5M
ASD-CAPW4000 Motor power connector
ASD-CARS0003 PC<->ASDA-A/A+/AB communication cable (RS-232)
ASD-CNUS0A08 USB-RS232 communication module for A2/B2/AB/A+/A, storngly recommend
ASD-CNBR1000 Brake connector
ASD-CNIE0A06 Tap joint for RS-485 communication, 2 RJ-11 female connectors (for A/AB/A+)
ASD-CNIE0B06 Tap joint for RS-485 communication, 2 RJ-11 female connectors (for A2/B2)
ASD-CNSC0050 ASDA-A/A+/AB CN1 connector (necessary)
Keypad for ASDA-B, store max. 25 groups parameter
ASD-PU-01B Keypad for ASDA-B (smaller size), store max. 4 groups parameter, including ASDBCADK0001

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